
  • Black Virtuality and Avatar Embodiment

    Through mixed-methods studies, we uncover how racialized, avatar-based inequities impact psychological and social experiences, offering new insights and design implications for more inclusive social VR environments. (Read more)

  • Social Conjurer: LLMs for Creating Interactive 3D Environments

    During my internship at Microsoft, my team and I developed Social Conjurer, a technical framework for GenAI-augmented 3D scene co-creation, enabling multiple users to collaboratively build and modify virtual worlds in real-time. (Read more)

  • Large-scale, Longitudinal Study of Social VR in the Classroom

    Situated in the first and largest classes to take place mostly in VR, we conducted a longitudinal field study to systematically examine how social dynamics evolve over time in CVEs. (Read more)

  • Immersive, Narrative-Based Interfaces for Outdoor Learning

    We created a narrative-based, mobile application that leveraged augmented reality to investigate how to guide young learners in interacting with their local, outdoor environment. (Read more)

  • Mind, Body, Avatar: The Role of Digital Representation on Dancing in Social VR

    This study explores how digital avatars influence shape how people feel and move while dancing in VR.

  • 360 Videos and Social VR in K-12 Classrooms

    In collaboration with K-12 educators, we are conducting ongoing work on the use of 360 Video and Social VR in the classroom context.

  • Context-Specific Learning and Belonging in VR

    In this work, we are exploring how context-specific environmental cues shape belonging in VR-based learning experiences.

  • How Cita's World Innovated Black Digital Engagement

    We insert BET’s Cita’s World into the canon of Black media studies, highlighting the show as a pioneering effort in VR for entertainment.